Quotes #2:Ed Sheeran

On 17 Febuary 1991, an adorable ginger named Edward Christopher Sheeran was born. Little did he know that he would go from singing in the streets as a teenager, to doing open mics, and then to playing sold out shows across the world. Ed’s new studio album ÷ (Divide) released earlier this month. I’m an avid Sheerio…

Blue Sky Tag #1

What I like about blogging is that I get to interact with people who love the same things as me. Here’s to the Heroes of Olympus and Percy Jackson and the Olympians fam! Thank you, Thunder Poet for tagging me. Have some ambrosia, you deserve it! Rules  Give 11 questions Tag 11 people Answer the 11 questions…

Blogger Recognition Award #1

Thank you to Melinda (purpleslobinrecovery) for nominating me!   That sticker is so pretty! Rules  Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. Write a post to show your award. Give a brief story about how your blog started. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers. Select 15 other…

Ascending Through The Mess: Update

Hey there,  Riya and I have been writing a short story series called Ascending Through The Mess. Riya has exams in a few weeks so ATTM will be on hiatus till April.  Check out the series, if you haven’t read it yet:  Ascending Through The Mess #1 Ascending Through The Mess #2 Ascending Through The Mess…


Hey there, So one of my good friends, Sanjana Eswar wrote this heart-felt and inspiring essay. I would like to share it with you. Enjoy! -Sanjita Determination is a human instinct. It thrives inside one’s self, and encourages one to do what they desperately need to do to fulfill their happiness. It is an instinct…

Quotes #1: Stars

I was listening to my favorite music the other day, and noticed that the playlist is called “Starred Songs”.  A few of the songs that I love have the word star in them like Yellow and City of Stars.  I’m obsessed with the stars and could stare at them forever; it’s why my blog is called Cluster…