Blogger Recognition Award #1

Thank you to Melinda (purpleslobinrecovery) for nominating me!



That sticker is so pretty!


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story about how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide a link to the post you created.

My Blog Story

On 24 August 2016, I sat at my desk with my finger hovering nervously over the mouse of my laptop. With a click, my first blog post was published. Little did I know that I would interact with amazing bloggers and learn so much!

In school, I participated in writing competitions and got good reviews. I enjoy debates and have been to MUNs as well. I started blogging as a creative outlet as well and to get better at writing. This blog helps me to de-stress and organize my thoughts. It is a place to share photos and stories: both yours and mine. Through this blog, I aim to make people happy and possibly soothe or encourage, or even inspire.

Cluster Of Stars turned 6 months old on 24 February 2017! Thank you for 6 wonderful months! Your feedback and encouragement has kept me going all this while and it will continue to. I’m still learning and growing as a blogger and a person. I also hit 80 follows! Thank you, really, I never would have imagined all the incredible response.

Advice To New Bloggers

  1. Always proofread before you post: You never know when a wild typo will appear.
  2. Don’t be afraid to edit: If you think of a better word, photo or a nice phrase, don’t hesitate to put it in your post.




Viewpoints Of Andrei

Snowanna Of 221B

Clustered Chaos

Ramblings Of A Bored Teenager

The Loudest Thoughts

Diary Of A Ninteen Year Old


Kinjal Parekh

Jade Grey

Victor Writes Everything

Rubix Cube

Daily Warriors

Shattered In Him 

Have a great week!


7 Comments Add yours

  1. Nomadosauras says:

    I love the concept behind these awards. One gets to know so much about the blogger one follows and also gets acquainted with so many other wonderful blogs (like I found out about Clustered Chaos here 🙂 )
    My blog being exclusively a compilation of travel stories, I am afraid I won’t be able to dedicate a post to this lovely award. Really sorry about that 😦
    Thank you so much for nominating my blog though! 😀
    Also, I love the first advice! 😀 My posts take multiple days to write and by the time I am done with one, I have read it so many times for continuity’s sake that I gloss over them before publishing and then it haunts me! So I end up going over them some days after publishing to root out the stubborn typos 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sanjita says:

      Yes, it is a good way to find new blogs! ✨
      Ah, that’s okay. Congratulations, anyway!🎉
      I read my posts multiple times before and after publishing to make sure that I haven’t missed anything.😊
      Typos spare nobody.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Didn’t see the award till today 😩😩😩…thank you very much!
    Actually I’ve you I’ve tagged you in a post 👉🏿

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sanjita says:

        Hey! I tagged you in my Blue Sky Tag post. Here’s the link: 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Will check it out, thank you ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

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